McCormick Home
Establishment and health at 2022 Kains Road, London, ON N6K 0A8, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about McCormick Home: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Establishment Health
2022 Kains Road
Ontario N6K 0A8
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+1 519-432-2648
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McCormick Home | McCormick Care Group
McCormick Home is an accredited, not-for-profit, long-term care facility that has served London and area for more than 100 years. We serve adults, primarily the frail elderly, who require a range of personal and health services, and who are no longer able to live safely and independently in the community. Our home creates an environment that encourages residents to be as active, independent and involved in life as possible.
McCormick Care Group, Dementia care, Dementia research, Women’s Christian Association, WCA, Dementia day program, Adult day program, McCormick Home, Alzheimer Outreach Services, McCormick Dementia Services, McCormick Dementia Research, Caregiver education, McCormick Day Program, Caregiver education series, Alzheimer caregiver support, Caregiver support, Caregiver support for dementia, Respite care, Overnight respite care, Dementia research activity, Long-term dementia care, Advancing dementia care, Speciali
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